Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I am now only 4 pounds from my first goal.
I'm going to color my hair.
Yep. Going to kick butt this week!

Stay tuned, because this is totally happening.
I'm drinking more water and making a point to get out more. Nothing fancy, no crash diets, no cabbage soup every day. Noticing a difference in my skin and my hair and my energy level.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

6 Pounds

6 pounds is what stands between me and my first goal.
6 measly pounds.
I can do this.
Because I have to.
For my health.
For my husband, and our daughter, and any future kids we may have.

Monday, July 18, 2016


I got on a scale at work the other day.
Instead of being the 209 or what I expected, I weighed in a 204.4.
After the stomach bug from hell, I got down to about 204...
this isn't even actual weight gain.

But it is incentive to work even harder. Because if I can lose/maintain without even trying, imagine what I can actually do with hard, butt-kicking work!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

There's an old Polish proverb...

"Raz na wozie, raz pod wozem..." which translates roughly to "Sometimes, you're driving the wagon, sometimes you're under the wagon."

I feel under the wagon today.

I went to the thrift store today and literally NOTHING from the non-plus size rack fit.
Talk about discouraging.

I briefly considered slimming shapewear to make jeans fit better, etc...and then I realized...
the whole point of this isn't to LOOK skinnier.

It's to BE skinnier.

So, back to myfitnesspal for me. Maybe I should take a cue from my 10 year old and go dance in the rain. I heard that burns lots of calories.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Where the Heck Have I Been?

Oh, and Wisconsin.
Then work again.

My daughter and I went to visit my parents, and a grand time was had by all for the first half of the vacay. Then, my Dad came down with some horrible stomach bug that ended up coming back down south with us.
Fighting the stomach bug.

That's where I've been.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Tomorrow, I shall blog something constructive.

Just wanted ya'll to know I'm not dead.

My city! When I go back next year, I will no longer be a plus size.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Every Step Counts

I walk. A whole lot.
And a while ago, a friend got me a pedometer, to measure my steps. And then we moved and I'm pretty sure it's around here somewhere...but I can't find it.
Last night, I got another one at Wal-mart. It's taking some getting used to, especially because the darn thing likes to reset itself to 0000 whenever it pleases.
So far, I'm up to over 3500 steps...but you'd never know it by the pedometer, because it keeps resetting itself!
(I have to keep a mental tally going).
The goal is at least 10,000 steps today and a steady increase day-by-day, before I even start an exercise regimen (which is going to have to wait a bit, as I'm already "killing myself" with my work schedule, according to doctors, and I have to recover from this last miscarriage).
Still holding steady at 203...but my stomach is a tiny bit flatter. Maybe this stomach bug/whatever it was isn't the end of the world.
Off to get the rest of my steps!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Here Goes...

The thing is, I'm a pretty happy chick.
I have a great husband who tells me on a regular basis that I'm gorgeous and that I don't need to change a thing about myself.
I live in a cute little house in the North Carolina mountains with said husband, our amazing 10 year old daughter, and two cats, Dave and The Sphinx.
We both work, and we've got a pretty nice little life.
I'm just not thrilled with my weight.
I wasn't always not thrilled with it, but two miscarriages in under 6 months (a twin loss in November and a little boy last month) and a whole lot of stress in the few years before that caused some unwanted pounds to come packing on.
I was hovering around the 210 range, but a stomach bug or something caused me to lose 7 lbs in 2 and a half days. NOT a diet I would recommend, by the way, and now I'm at 203...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a plus sized woman...BUT...
I am not healthy as a plus sized woman.
I'm just not.
I want to lose this weight.
At some point, I would like to become pregnant again and not worry about what the extra weight (on top of my already extra weight) is going to do to me.
All the cute clothes are smaller than what I am. (whine, I know, first world problems)
And then there's the fact that I just want to FEEL healthier.

So, here I go.

On to the LAST Plus Size Summer.

Wish me luck!